Monday, October 18, 2010

The Beginning

Dewdrops rest on undisturbed grass
The bells ringing across the state
Across the field advances
A line of red-clad men

The farmers grab their hunting tools
The lawyers buy them in the shops
The soldiers stand in perfect order
Marching onward to certain victory

The shot rings out
The red line stops
The farmers move
A redcoat falls

The orders yelled
Are mixed in the growing din
The battle evolving before them
Expanding, growing, becoming something
Which neither side believed would happen

A war began
A nation was born
A people unite
Against a common foe

The mighty brought down
The few rise up
The peasants best the professional soldier
A peoples' fury defeats
All that stand before it

That ragtag band of rebels
Bore a nation on that day
A nation that exist still
But is lost today

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