Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Politics Just Got Tougher

America's Presidents do fun things. Barack Obama plays basketball. George W. Bush dodges shoes. Bill Clinton.... well we won't go there.

However, no American politician is nearly as badass as Russia's ex-President, Vladimir Putin. Vladimir Putin has shot tigers, flown bomber planes, goes target shooting regularly, appointed himself Prime Minister, is an Olympic-level practicer of Judo, rides across Russian prairies shirtless and without security, threatened to castrate a French journalist, was in the KGB, and he is, himself, registered as a lethal weapon.

In essence, Vladimir Putin could wipe the floor with any US President. He has been called the Russian Chuck Norris multiple times.

Putin, with a high-powered rifle. Hunting TIGERS.
No, he doesn't need security.
He's on a boat, with a crossbow. I have no idea what he's doing. I bet it's badass though.

Let's do a comparison. Below, you see an image of Vladimir Putin holding a massive sniper rifle, wading through a marsh. I don't think that will be easy to top.
He's hunting. For ducks, tigers, or men?
Alright, and here's what America has to offer...
He shoots... Does he score?
Ah yes, our best shot (pun intended) is Barack Obama playing basketball. That's a step up from clearing brush, building models, or running campaigns. But it does not hold a candle to shooting tigers. America might have a chance though....
Nope, we're boned. None of our politicians are as smart, or as incredibly badass as Putin.
So, in the final analysis, Russia has politicians that are far cooler than America's. Putin is smart, badass, and kinda creepy. A deadly combo. Oh well, we can dream that our President will one day be able to do this:
Good luck sleeping knowing that this man is in charge of the world's second largest nuclear arsenal.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Title Ideas, alternate ending proposition

I just googled horror movies and tried to bend them around our topic, here's what I've got...

1- 42 Minutes Later
2- Seneca Stapler Massacre
3- A Nightmare in B Hall

Some movies I couldn't adapt were:
*The Blair Witch Project
*The Hills Have Eyes

Bonus Alternate Ending

Survivors exit room, are seen to exit the building. All is still for about 30 seconds until MANARELLA and WILLIAMS stir.

We got 'em.

Yeah we did.

We better beat it, the cops will be here any second.

That's right. Let's get...

Further stirring from TONY's body. In stiff mechanical motions he sits up, the murder weapon protruding from his chest.

What the f...

I know I stabbed him in the heart. I couldn't have missed.

TONY grabs the ruler and snaps it apart where it meets his skin. He looks in the direction of the would-be killers, his pupils glowing an electronic red.

TONY (Austrian Accent)
Are you Mr. WILLIAMS?

Maybe. What happens if I am?

Let's split. This is seriously messed up!

What are you?

I am a cybernetic organism. Living flesh over metal endoskeleton. I am here to terminate you.

TONY reaches into his jacket pocket, draws an impossibly long assault rifle. He stands stiffly, begins moving toward MANARELLA, who backs away; and WILLIAMS, rooted in terror.

Wha- why? Why are you going to kill-


WILLIAMS (cont'd)
-terminate me?

In the year 2012 you will kill an individual named SARAH. She is integral to the human resistance movement against their seahorse overlords. I cannot allow you to leave this room.

MANARELLA (laughing)

It's a long, depressing story.

What if I-

TONY unloads into WILLIAMS. WILLIAMS is blown backwards over a table and into a crumbled heap across the room.


Police burst through door. They see the gun in TONY's hand, and immediately shoot him multiple times. The bullets bounce off of the exposed metal in his chest.

I must go now. My mission is complete.

TONY leaves room through the cops, MANARELLA is arrested, screen fades to black.


***I'm bored, so I'll probably come up with more bogus endings later.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Is Nostalgia bad?

I've been told that being nostalgic stops progress. But in the same breath I could've been told that those who don't know history are bound to repeat it. Which, if either, is true??

I personally love history (you all may have figured that out when I read the story of the Forrest Gump pencil in class today), so I tend to be on the pro-nostalgia side of the debate. Last year I got a 24/25 on an essay about how I'd prefer to live in the 1950's than today, for example. But I can't find any reason why believing the past was better would make the future worse.

Monday, November 1, 2010

The Spongebob Conspiracy

You're about to think I'm a liar, but Spongebob Squarepants is a Communist.

As you can see above, Senator Joseph McCarthy agrees with me. How about you?

This isn't just me ranting about a cartoon that I never was a regular watcher of. This is fact. Let me lay this down in a very simple, 1-2-3 format.

1) Communism is all about working for the betterment of your peers. What does Spongebob yell every morning? "I'm ready!" and he means "I'm ready for work/a revolution of the proletariat!" He works for days on end and accepts only pennies for it.

2) Communism is about equality, even for the laziest bottomfeeders. Example: Patrick Star. Spongebob tolerates his lazy comrade for no other reason except that they are both of the lower class and need to overthrow the yoke of the Capitalists. Or is that just me?

3) Spongebob Squarepants shows utter disdain and/or hatred for the private business interest of Mr. Krabs. I recall one episode where he destroyed Mr. Krabs' restaurant on his own for no other reason than that Mr. Krabs was trying to make money.

So I ask you: after reading this, is it possible that we've all been tainted by Communist propaganda? Tell me that after Spongebob Squarepants attempting to teach us lessons about "Sharing" and "Equality" and "Tolerance" that you don't think there's Communist undertones.